

We are accordingly responsible for collecting, processing and using your personal data and handing this data in conformity with the law. These data protection provisions constitute an integral part of the terms of use.

We are committed to handling your personal data responsibly. Consequently, we regard it as self-evident that we comply with the statutory requirements of the Swiss Federal Law on Data Protection (DSG), the Ordinance to the Federal Law on Data Protection (VDSG), the Telecommunications Law (FMG) and other provisions of Swiss Data Protection Law. With regard to personal data of users from Europe, we will also comply with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We would like to inform you below about how we handle your personal data.

In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original French version of this document, the original French version will prevail.

Please note that the information contained below may be revised and amended from time to time. We therefore recommend that you view this privacy policy regularly. During your visit to our website, your personal data is collected and used by us to the following extent and for the following purposes:


On visiting our website

When you visit our website, our servers temporarily store every access in a log file.

The following data is stored by us:

  • the IP address of the requesting computer,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved data,
  • the website from which our domain was accessed,
  • the operating system of your computer and the browser you are using,
  • the country from which access to our website takes place and
  • the name of your Internet access provider.

The collection and processing of this data is generally anonymised without personal reference for the purpose of enabling the use of the website (connection establishment), to ensure the long-term security and stability of the system and to optimise the website, and for internal statistical purposes. The aforementioned information will not be linked to or stored with personal information.

Only in the case of an attack on the network infrastructure or in case of suspicion of another unauthorised or improper use of the website, the IP address will be evaluated for clarification and defense and, if necessary, used in criminal proceedings for identification and to bring legal action against the users concerned under civil and criminal law. If there is a complaint process, we may be required to furnish your data to the Member State which makes such a request

Registering for our newsletter or using any form

In order to receive the newsletter or to get in touch with us using the form, it is essential that you enter the following personal data:

  • Your email address
  • Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Full postal address
  • Telephone
  • Subject and message

We require this information to process your requests, to be able to send you our newsletter and/or to use it for marketing purposes as described in more detail below.


We will only pass on your data if you have expressly consented for us to do so, we are obliged to do so by law or to the extent this is necessary to assert our rights. We also transmit your data to companies affiliated with us.

In addition, we disclose personal information of users to third parties, to the extent necessary in the context of using the website, answering questions, processing inquiries or providing any services requested by the user. The use of this data by third parties is strictly limited to the purposes mentioned.

An overview of the service providers within the meaning of the previous paragraph can be provided on demand.


Newsletters and other marketing campaigns

By registering for our newsletter, you expressly agree that we may use your address and personal data for marketing campaigns such as sending out the Newsletter and/or dispatching catalogues. You may unsubscribe from all marketing campaigns at any time. The contact details can be found below in “Contacts”. In addition, you will find an unsubscribe link in all newsletter emails you may recieve.

Furthermore, we are entitled to engage third parties to conduct marketing campaigns and accordingly have the right to make your personal data available to third parties for this purpose.

For the distribution of our newsletter, we use email marketing services provided by a third-party, whereby the newsletter data can be passed for this purpose. The newsletter data is stored both on the website's hosting server and on a third-party server.

Our newsletter and website may contain a so-called Web Beacon (tracking pixel) or similar technical means. A web beacon is a 1x1 pixel, non-visible graphic that is related to the user ID of each newsletter subscriber or related to a marketing campaign.

For each newsletter sent, there is information about the address file used, the subject and the number of newsletters sent. In addition, it can be seen which addresses have not yet received the newsletter, to which address it was sent and at which addresses the delivery failed. There is also the opening rate including the information as to which addresses have opened the newsletter. Finally, the information as to which addresses have unsubscribed. We use this data for statistical purposes and to optimise the content and structure of the newsletter. This allows us to better align the information and offers in our newsletter with the individual interests of the recipients. The tracking pixel is deleted when you delete the newsletter.

In order to prevent the use of the Web Beacon in our newsletter, if this is not already the case by default, please set your email programme so that no HTML is displayed in messages.

In order to prevent the use of the Web Beacon in our website, please set your browser in incognito mode. For more information, see the settings options of your browser.

Incognito mode, however, may result in your being unable to use all the s in our Platform.


We may use so-called re-targeting technologies on the website. The user behaviour on the website is analysed in order to be able to offer the user customised advertising tailored to the user on partner websites. User behaviour is recorded under a pseudonym.

Most re-targeting technologies use cookies (see “Cookies” below).

Third parties will use this information to evaluate the use of the website in regard to the advertising to be shown in order to compile reports for the operator of the website regarding the website activities and advertisements, and to provide further services relating to the use of the website and internet usage. They may also pass this information on to third parties insofar as this is required by law or if third parties process the data on their behalf.

Users can prevent re-targeting at any time by rejecting or de-activating the relevant cookies in the menu bar of the web browser (see “Cookies” below).


We are entitled to pass your data to third party companies abroad to the extent this is required in connection with the processing of your requests, the provision of services and marketing campaigns. These third-party companies are obliged to respect the privacy of users to the same extent as the provider itself. If the level of data protection in a country is considered unsuitable by Swiss standards or within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, we will ensure, by means of a regulation of the use or international standards, that your personal data is protected according to Swiss regulations or the EU General Data Protection Regulation at all times.

Most service providers are located either in Switzerland or Europe. However, some of the third-party service providers are based in the USA (see “Re-Targeting,” “Tracking Tools,” and “Social Plugins”). Further information on data transfers to the USA can be found under “Tracking”.


You may ask for information about your personal data stored by us at any time. Requests for information must be submitted in writing with proof of identity. You are also entitled to require that your data stored by us is deleted or corrected at any time.

You may do this by sending a request to this effect using our contact form.

In addition, users from a EU Member State may also contact their relevant data protection authority.

Please note that certain data must be retained by us by law for a certain period. Such data must therefore remain stored by us until the end of this period. We will block this data in our system and only use it to comply with statutory requirements.


Our website is mostly aimed at an adult audience. It is forbidden for children under 16 years of age, to transmit personal data about themselves to us or to register to receive a service. If we detect that such data has been transmitted to us, it will be deleted from our database. The parents (or legal guardians) of the child may contact us and request deletion of the data or de-registration. For this purpose, we require a copy of an official document confirming you as a parent or guardian.


We use suitable technical and organisational security measures that seem appropriate to us to protect your data stored by us from manipulation, partial or total loss and unauthorised access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously updated according to technological developments.

We also take the protection of our own internal company data very seriously. Our staff and the service providers engaged by us are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the provisions of data protection law. Moreover, these are only granted access to personal data as far as is necessary.


Cookies help, among other things, to make visiting our website easier, more pleasant and more useful. Cookies are information files stored automatically by your browser on the hard disk of your computer when you visit our website.

Cookies do not harm the hard disk of your computer nor do they transmit your personal data to us.

We use cookies, for example, to recognise you as a registered user so that you do not need to register again each time. Use in this case does not mean that we obtain new personal data about you as an online visitor.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can adjust your browser settings so that cookies are not placed on your computer or so that you receive a new warning message when you encounter a new cookie. For more information, see the settings options of your browser.

Deactivating cookies, however, may result in your being unable to use all the s in our portal.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ( Google Analytics uses methods that allow an analysis of the use of the website, such as “Cookies” (see above “Cookies”). The information about the usage of the website will generally be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

The information is used to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on the activities on the website and to provide other services related to the use of the website for the purposes of market research and tailor-made website design.

Users can prevent the collection of the data (including the IP address) generated by the cookie and related to the website use by the respective user for Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:

As an alternative to the browser plug-in, you can click on this link to prevent the acquisition by Google Analytics on this website in the future. An opt-out cookie is stored on the user's device. If the user deletes cookies (see above “Cookie”), the link must be clicked again.

For the sake of completeness, we wish to note that under US law, the US authorities may carry out surveillance measures that allow the general storage of all data transferred from the European Union to the USA. This is done without distinction, restriction or exemption on the basis of the objective pursued and without objective criteria that would make it possible to restrict the US authorities access to personal data and its subsequent use for specific, strictly limited purposes that would justify access to that data.


On our website, we provide you with certain social media services, in particular the sharing of product information on Facebook, the tweeting of product information, etc. The relevant services can be found on the individual product pages under the heading “Sharing”.

We provide social media services. When you click on the relevant social network icons, you will be linked to the relevant social network to perform the chosen service, e.g. to share content on Facebook or to tweet on Twitter. To do this, however, you must log into your corresponding user account or be logged in already.

If you select one of the services provided and click on the icon of the relevant social network, a direct connection is established between your browser and the server of the relevant social network. This gives the network the information that you have visited our website with your IP address and accessed the link. If you access a link to a network while logged in to your account on the relevant network, the contents of our page may be linked to your profile in the network, which means that the network can link your visit to our website directly to your user account. If you want to prevent this, you should log out before clicking on the relevant links. An assignment takes place in any case, if you log into the relevant network after clicking on the link.

Links to our social media presence

On our website, we have incorporated links to our social media profiles. If you click on the relevant social network icons, you will be automatically redirected to our profile on the relevant network. In order to use the functions of the relevant network there, you must partially log in to your user account for the relevant network.

When you open a link to one of our social media profiles, a direct connection is established between your browser and the server of the relevant social network. This gives the network the information that you have visited our website with your IP address and accessed the link. If you access a link to a network while logged in to your account on the relevant network, the contents of our page may be linked to your profile in the network, which means that the network can link your visit to our website directly to your user account. If you want to prevent this, you should log out before clicking on the relevant links. An assignment takes place in any case, if you log into the relevant network after clicking on the link.


If you have any questions regarding data protection on our website, would like more information or would like to arrange for your data to be deleted, please get in touch with us by filling in the relevant online contact form.

By post, please address your requests to the address provided on our website.


You grant us the following consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time with future effect.

- I agree to regularly receive informations about products and services by email from the website owner. I can revoke my consent at any time.

- I agree to the use of cookies to collect, store and use user data for re-targeting purposes. The website uses various services for this, all of which use cookies to collect usage data.

- I agree to the analysis of data provided by me and other usage data in order to present me personalised advertising and/or special offers and services. The analysis of usage data can lead to the creation of user profiles. The user profiles are created in a pseudonymised form and not merged with personal data.

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